Source code for zope.dublincore.interfaces

# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Dublin Core interfaces
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.schema import Datetime
from zope.schema import Text
from zope.schema import TextLine
from zope.schema import Tuple

[docs] class IDublinCoreElementItem(Interface): """A qualified dublin core element""" qualification = TextLine( title="Qualification", description="The element qualification" ) value = Text( title="Value", description="The element value", )
[docs] class IGeneralDublinCore(Interface): """Dublin-core data access interface The Dublin Core,, is a meta data standard that specifies a set of standard data elements. It provides flexibility of interpretation of these elements by providing for element qualifiers that specialize the meaning of specific elements. For example, a date element might have a qualifier, like "creation" to indicate that the date is a creation date. In addition, any element may be repeated. For some elements, like subject, and contributor, this is obviously necessary, but for other elements, like title and description, allowing repetitions is not very useful and adds complexity. This interface provides methods for retrieving data in full generality, to be compliant with the Dublin Core standard. Other interfaces will provide more convenient access methods tailored to specific element usage patterns. """ def getQualifiedTitles(): """Return a sequence of Title IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedCreators(): """Return a sequence of Creator IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedSubjects(): """Return a sequence of Subject IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedDescriptions(): """Return a sequence of Description IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedPublishers(): """Return a sequence of Publisher IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedContributors(): """Return a sequence of Contributor IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedDates(): """Return a sequence of Date IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedTypes(): """Return a sequence of Type IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedFormats(): """Return a sequence of Format IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedIdentifiers(): """Return a sequence of Identifier IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedSources(): """Return a sequence of Source IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedLanguages(): """Return a sequence of Language IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedRelations(): """Return a sequence of Relation IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedCoverages(): """Return a sequence of Coverage IDublinCoreElementItem.""" def getQualifiedRights(): """Return a sequence of Rights IDublinCoreElementItem."""
[docs] class IWritableGeneralDublinCore(Interface): """Provide write access to dublin core data This interface augments `IStandardDublinCore` with methods for writing elements. """ def setQualifiedTitles(qualified_titles): """Set the qualified Title elements. The argument must be a sequence of `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedCreators(qualified_creators): """Set the qualified Creator elements. The argument must be a sequence of Creator `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedSubjects(qualified_subjects): """Set the qualified Subjects elements. The argument must be a sequence of Subject `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedDescriptions(qualified_descriptions): """Set the qualified Descriptions elements. The argument must be a sequence of Description `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedPublishers(qualified_publishers): """Set the qualified Publishers elements. The argument must be a sequence of Publisher `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedContributors(qualified_contributors): """Set the qualified Contributors elements. The argument must be a sequence of Contributor `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedDates(qualified_dates): """Set the qualified Dates elements. The argument must be a sequence of Date `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedTypes(qualified_types): """Set the qualified Types elements. The argument must be a sequence of Type `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedFormats(qualified_formats): """Set the qualified Formats elements. The argument must be a sequence of Format `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedIdentifiers(qualified_identifiers): """Set the qualified Identifiers elements. The argument must be a sequence of Identifier `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedSources(qualified_sources): """Set the qualified Sources elements. The argument must be a sequence of Source `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedLanguages(qualified_languages): """Set the qualified Languages elements. The argument must be a sequence of Language `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedRelations(qualified_relations): """Set the qualified Relations elements. The argument must be a sequence of Relation `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedCoverages(qualified_coverages): """Set the qualified Coverages elements. The argument must be a sequence of Coverage `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """ def setQualifiedRights(qualified_rights): """Set the qualified Rights elements. The argument must be a sequence of Rights `IDublinCoreElementItem`. """
[docs] class IDCDescriptiveProperties(Interface): """Basic descriptive meta-data properties""" title = TextLine( title='Title', description="The first unqualified Dublin Core 'Title' element value." ) description = Text( title='Description', description=( "The first unqualified Dublin Core 'Description' element value.") )
[docs] class IDCTimes(Interface): """Time properties""" created = Datetime( title='Creation Date', description="The date and time that an object is created." "\nThis is normally set automatically." ) modified = Datetime( title='Modification Date', description="The date and time that the object was last modified in a" " meaningful way." )
[docs] class IDCPublishing(Interface): """Publishing properties""" effective = Datetime( title='Effective Date', description="The date and time that an object should be published." ) expires = Datetime( title='Expiration Date', description="The date and time that the object should become" " unpublished." )
[docs] class IDCExtended(Interface): """Extended properties This is a mixed bag of properties we want but that we probably haven't quite figured out yet. """ creators = Tuple( title='Creators', description="The unqualified Dublin Core 'Creator' element values", value_type=TextLine(), ) subjects = Tuple( title='Subjects', description="The unqualified Dublin Core 'Subject' element values", value_type=TextLine(), ) publisher = Text( title='Publisher', description="The first unqualified Dublin Core 'Publisher' element" " value.", ) contributors = Tuple( title='Contributors', description="The unqualified Dublin Core 'Contributor' element" " values", value_type=TextLine(), )
[docs] class ICMFDublinCore(Interface): """This interface duplicates the CMF dublin core interface.""" def Title(): """Return the resource title. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Title` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Creator(): """Return the resource creators. Return the full name(s) of the author(s) of the content object. The unqualified Dublin Core `Creator` element values are returned as a sequence of unicode strings. """ def Subject(): """Return the resource subjects. The unqualified Dublin Core `Subject` element values are returned as a sequence of unicode strings. """ def Description(): """Return the resource description Return a natural language description of this object. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Description` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Publisher(): """Dublin Core element - resource publisher Return full formal name of the entity or person responsible for publishing the resource. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Publisher` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Contributors(): """Return the resource contributors Return any additional collaborators. The unqualified Dublin Core `Contributor` element values are returned as a sequence of unicode strings. """ def Date(): """Return the default date The first unqualified Dublin Core `Date` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. The string is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD H24:MN:SS TZ'. """ def CreationDate(): """Return the creation date. The value of the first Dublin Core `Date` element qualified by 'creation' is returned as a unicode string if a qualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. The string is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD H24:MN:SS TZ'. """ def EffectiveDate(): """Return the effective date The value of the first Dublin Core `Date` element qualified by 'effective' is returned as a unicode string if a qualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. The string is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD H24:MN:SS TZ'. """ def ExpirationDate(): """Date resource expires. The value of the first Dublin Core `Date` element qualified by 'expiration' is returned as a unicode string if a qualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. The string is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD H24:MN:SS TZ'. """ def ModificationDate(): """Date resource last modified. The value of the first Dublin Core `Date` element qualified by 'modification' is returned as a unicode string if a qualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. The string is formatted 'YYYY-MM-DD H24:MN:SS TZ'. """ def Type(): """Return the resource type Return a human-readable type name for the resource. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Type` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Format(): """Return the resource format. Return the resource's MIME type (e.g., 'text/html', 'image/png', etc.). The first unqualified Dublin Core `Format` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Identifier(): """Return the URL of the resource. This value is computed. It is included in the output of qualifiedIdentifiers with the qualification 'url'. """ def Language(): """Return the resource language. Return the RFC language code (e.g., 'en-US', 'pt-BR') for the resource. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Language` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """ def Rights(): """Return the resource rights. Return a string describing the intellectual property status, if any, of the resource. for the resource. The first unqualified Dublin Core `Rights` element value is returned as a unicode string if an unqualified element is defined, otherwise, an empty unicode string is returned. """
[docs] class IZopeDublinCore( IGeneralDublinCore, ICMFDublinCore, IDCDescriptiveProperties, IDCTimes, IDCPublishing, IDCExtended, ): """Zope Dublin Core properties"""
[docs] class IWriteZopeDublinCore( IZopeDublinCore, IWritableGeneralDublinCore, ): """Zope Dublin Core properties with generate update support"""